29 August 2018

Divorce Day 2018

By Antoine de Werd

Friday September 14th is Divorce Day 2018 in the Netherlands.

On this day, you can get free advice and information about divorce from specialists in family law.

What is Divorce Day?

Divorce Day (or the Day of Divorce) is a day for anyone who wants to know more about his or her divorce. This national initiative was started by vFAS, the Dutch association for family and divorce lawyers. Every year on Divorce Day, lawyers around the Netherlands provide free advice and information to the public about divorce and related topics.

Free legal advice you can trust

GMW lawyers has a large number of legal experts who are mainly engaged in divorce cases. They help their clients through litigation, mediation and as advisers in the background.

GMW lawyers will take part in Divorce Day 2018 and is again offering free 30 minute consultations with our experts. These meetings have no cost and are obligation-free. If you are unable to join us in person, you can also make an appointment for a telephone consultation.

Facing international divorce? We can help you. Our lawyers are experienced in handling complex cases for expats living in The Netherlands that cross borders and jurisdictions.

Book a free 30 minute consultation with GMW lawyers.

Why hire a lawyer for divorce?

According to Dutch law, you’ll need a lawyer to represent you in court when you apply for a divorce – but that is not the only reason to have a lawyer on your side.

A divorce lawyer can help you to achieve the best possible outcome, whether your focus is the welfare of your children, maintaining a relationship for the future or financial priorities.

During a divorce, many topics need to be addressed. Your lawyer can advise you throughout the divorce process with answers to your questions, such as:

  • What is the first step towards getting divorced?
  • How to properly prepare for a separation?
  • What to do with your house?
  • How to divide your property and assets?
  • How to settle financial issues such as alimony?
  • Will divorce affect your pension?
  • If you have your own company, what is the impact?
  • What does Dutch law mean for your rights and obligations?

Facing divorce? Get the help you need

Take advantage of the Day of Divorce and discuss your situation with an expert in family law: get free legal advice from GMW lawyers – we’ll be glad to help you.


Antoine de Werd

Antoine de Werd

Lawyer and mediator / partner

Antoine de Werd, one of the co-founders of GMW lawyers, specialises in divorce law.

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