Looking for a mediator in The Hague?

Are you breaking up? Our mediators will be happy to help you.

We can help and advise you on divorce, dissolution of registered partnership, ending cohabitation, division of assets, custody and access calculating spousal and child maintenance and other matters related to family law.

What can you expect from us?

Under the guidance of one of our mediators, you will engage in joint meetings with the aim of reaching agreements. These agreements are then incorporated by the mediator into a parenting plan and/or divorce agreement . If necessary, the mediator then submits these documents to the court. As our mediators are also attorneys, there is no need to go to another office for this step.

International divorce

The international aspects of divorce can be an additional complicating factor in the already complicated and heavy divorce process. First, it must always be established which aspects can be settled in the Netherlands and which cannot. The fact that the divorce can be settled in the Netherlands does not always mean that it will be settled in accordance with Dutch law. We have mediators with extensive experience in international divorces.

Download our free whitepaper here and get answers to the 10 most frequently asked questions about divorce abroad.

About us

Our family law section is one of the largest in the Netherlands. Our mediators are highly qualified and are members of the vFAS (Association of Family & Inheritance Lawyers Divorce Mediators) or MfN (Mediators federation Netherlands). Our mediators are committed and have an eye for the, often large, financial and emotional stakes.

Looking for a mediator in The Hague?

Want to ask our mediators a question? Fill in the form or call us on 070-3615048

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