12 February 2024

Webinar ‘Employment law for HR professionals: update 2024’

By Seliz Demirci

Need a quick update on the latest developments in employment law? Amber Willemsen and Seliz Demirci will give a webinar 'Employment law for HR professionals: update 2024' on 27 February 2024.

Dutch Employment law is constantly changing. 2024 is no different with several interesting pieces of legislation in the pipeline. For HR professionals, it is important to keep track of recent and future developments. Seliz Demirci and Amber Willemsen, employment experts at GMW lawyers, will discuss current developments in employment law. They will guide you through various topics, such as on non-competition clauses, dismissal, transgressive behaviour and sickness.

After attending this webinar, you will be completely up-to-date on upcoming developments in employment law.

Participation is free of charge. You can register here.

We look forward to seeing you!


Seliz Demirci

Seliz Demirci


Within the Employment & Pension law section, Seliz advises national and international employers and employees on various employment law issues.

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