28 May 2019

When to call a lawyer about housing

By Raymond de Mooij

Your home is your castle, especially as an expat.

When things go wrong, you need help you can trust – but which situations justify involving a lawyer? Raymond de Mooij of GMW lawyers shares his top tips for when to call a lawyer about your property.

This post was reviewed and updated on 5 June 2020

When you’re buying or selling a house

Property is a significant investment, and dealing with another country’s laws and language can increase the risk of something going wrong. If you plan to buy or sell a house, call a lawyer. They can advise you on what to do and what to check before and after the sale, helping to avoid problems and misunderstandings.

When you find defects

If you’ve bought or rented a house, the owner is obliged to inform you of any defects or deficiencies that are known to them. If you discover more defects after signing, or find that defects have not been fixed as previously agreed, call a lawyer. They can advise you on your rights, and how best to proceed.

When you want to rent out your house

If you own a home in the Netherlands and you plan to rent it out, it is wise to get legal advice about your rights and obligations as a landlord. This includes setting up a tenancy contract that is legally valid, protects your rights and limits your liability. Should you then, for example, face a tenant who is not paying their rent, your lawyer can help you take appropriate action.

When you need to know your rights

Unsure if you are within your legal rights about your property? Call a lawyer. Whether you have an issue with a neighbour, nuisance from a construction site, or a dispute over a boundary line, understanding your rights is the first step to deciding how to proceed.

We can work it out

If you need help with Dutch property law, we can help. We understand the specific challenges that expats face and have the expertise to help you work it out. Meet our lawyers, or view our contact details.

Raymond de Mooij

Raymond de Mooij

Lawyer / partner

Raymond de Mooij is one of the founders of GMW lawyers. He has been a lawyer since 1989, specialising in real estate law and tenancy law.

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