Rental agreement

A rental agreement is described in law. Like other agreements, it is set when it is offered and accepted.

Typically this is indicated by certain actions, such as the signing of a rental agreement.

However, they may also be apparent from other acts or from the behaviour of the tenant and the landlord. The question whether an agreement has been reached between the parties depends on what the respective parties can assume from each other’s declarations and behaviour.

Essential elements

The consensus must include the two essential elements of the rental agreement:

  1. giving the use of (part of) premises;
  2. against a certain consideration.

In general, the rental period is also set in the rental agreement.

Rental regimes

There are several types of rental regimes. This means that there are different legal provisions for renting residential premises than those for leasing shops or offices. In legal conflicts it is vital to determine which rental regime applies. In fact, every regime has different articles for the protection of the parties concerned.

More information

GMW lawyers will be happy to help you with all your tenancy issues. If you have any questions, please contact us directly using the enquiry form below or +31 (0)70 3615048. Our tenancy law lawyers will be glad to support and advise you.

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Marie-Christine Veltkamp-van Paasen

Marie-Christine Veltkamp-van Paassen

Read more about this lawyer
Raymond de Mooij

Raymond de Mooij

Read more about this lawyer
Stephanie de Wit

Stephanie de Wit

Read more about this lawyer

Are you looking for a tenancy lawyer in The Hague?

GMW lawyers is happy to assist you with specialist knowledge and experience in the field of tenancy law. Please contact our team of experts for support.

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