Virtually all employees in the Netherlands build up a pension through their employer.
There are significant financial questions, such as the monthly payment of the pension premium and the question how large a pension this will provide at the age of retirement. It is important for you as an employee to be clear about your pension scheme. The pension experts at GMW lawyers can assist you with this.
Compulsory pension scheme
Most employees do not have a choice about participating in a pension. Neither does the employer. About 75% of employees are obliged to participate in the pension scheme which applies to their entire sector. Nevertheless, as an employee you must make sure that the employer registers you as a participant in the pension scheme, that you’re building up the correct pension, and that the pension premium is actually paid to the pension fund.
Change in the pension
A smaller proportion of employees build up a pension with a pension insurer through the employer. In that case participation is also often compulsory, but sometimes it is possible to indicate by means of a waiver that they do not want to build up a pension. In this case, no premium has to be paid. Even with an assured pension scheme, an employee must be vigilant about the correct premium payments and about proposals by the employer to change the conditions. It is not possible to simply change a pension scheme, and certainly not without the employee’s agreement.
Your financial interest
GMW lawyers advises and institutes proceedings for individual employees, but also for groups of employees, because a pension is collective product. Any change in a pension scheme has consequences for a group or for all the employees in a business or sector.
More information
GMW lawyers will be happy to help you with all your pension-related legal issues. If you have any questions, please contact us directly using the enquiry form below or +31 (0)70 3615048. Our pension lawyers will be happy to support and advise you.
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