Curriculum Vitae



Employment law
Employee Participation Law


Master’s degree in law, VU University Amsterdam
Grotius specialisation course in labour law (cum laude)


Member of the Netherlands Employment Lawyers Association (VAAN)
Member of The Hague Employment Lawyers Association (VHAA)

Ancillary activities

Lid College van Afgevaardigden Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten



Mark Dijkstra

Mark specializes in employment law.

Mark has more than 15 years of experience in both individual and collective employment law. In his practice he particularly assists international companies and (international) directors.

Mark started his career in the legal profession after which he gained further experience as a lawyer working for (listed) financial institutions. Among other things, he advised on reorganizations, employee participation and harmonization of employment conditions in mergers and acquisitions. He also advised and litigated on complex termination issues, such as those involving statutory directors, stock options and fair compensation.

Mark enjoys quick reactions, practical solutions and concise communication. Mark combines that with quality legal content – evidenced, among other things, by the fact that he completed the Grotius Employment Law specialization course cum laude. “A clear step-by-step plan is often more helpful to a client than endless legal discourse,” says Mark.



Employment law

Watch on demand: Top 10 things to check in your Dutch employment contract webinar – in collaboration with IamExpat

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